Proudly celebrating more than 70 Years
Astor Services is a community-based non-profit organization that provides children’s mental health services, child welfare services, and early childhood development services. Astor serves children and families in New York State’s Mid-Hudson Valley region and the Bronx.
Astor Services is committed to supporting families to ensure each child has a healthy and happy childhood.
Our Staff

Astor’s staff includes psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, early childhood professionals, nurses, child-care workers, educators, and many other highly dedicated employees who provide vital services to children and families. Each staff member has made a personal commitment to serving children and families with the highest degree of professionalism, respect, and care.
Astor’s programs receive financial support from compassionate donors who care about the future of the youngest members of our communities. Government agencies (federal, state and local), individuals, foundations and corporations also provide valuable funding.
Our Philosophy
Astor’s philosophy of care is holistic, strengths-based, family-driven, and data-informed. At Astor, we believe that each child is unique and should have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
Because every child deserves a childhood