
BronxNet interview discussing mental and emotional health screening services in the Bronx

BronxNet host, Javier E Gómez, speaks with Raven Maldonado-Brown of Astor Services for Children and Family, about mental and emotional health screening services for children and families in The Bronx


Diálogo Abierto: Recursos Astor Services | Trasplante Exitoso del Riñón | Pro Arte Musical


El presentador Javier E. Gomez habla con Raven Maldonado-Brown de Astor Services for Children and Family, sobre los servicios de pruebas de salud mental y emocional en el condado de El Bronx para niños y familias. Luego, la cantautora Sophia Angelica nos cuenta cómo las redes sociales ayudaron a salvar la vida de su hermano Christopher, quien necesitaba urgente un transplante del riñón. Y por último, conoce el trabajo de Pro Arte Musical, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la preservación de la música puertorriqueña. Our host, Javier E Gómez, speaks with Raven Maldonado-Brown of Astor Services for Children and Family, about mental and emotional health screening services for children and families in The Bronx . Then, singer/songwriter Sophia Angelica tells us how social media helped save the life of her brother Christopher, who urgently needed a kidney transplant. And finally, check out the work of Pro Arte Musical, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Puerto Rican music. Host: Javier E. Gomez | Producer: Yesenia Ramos | Assistant Producer: Mateo Rojas Alingue | Editor: Luis Rebolledo | Guest(s): Raven Maldonado-Brown, LMHC, Astor Services for Children and Family; Sophia Angelica, Cantautora; Myrna Rivera, Pro Arte Musical.