We’re sorry that you are having a problem submitting your application!
Our system successfully submits 500 to 1,000 applications each month, with only a 1 or 2% error rate; the security level needed to protect your information prevents us from achieving a 100% submission success rate without compromising your privacy.
If you were directed to this page, the most likely problem was a transmission error: the application form was not able to connect from your web browser to the server where the applications are sent. Often this is just temporary. You can try again and perhaps have better luck at a different time. Make sure that your internet connection is working before trying again.
Other possible causes for this problem:
- Old browsers: out-of-date versions of web browsers can cause this problem;
- Browser settings or add-ons: your web browser or an add-on may interfere with cookies or other methods which our form requires;
- Computer settings: occasionally, a firewall or security program on your computer or network may have security settings that prevent you from connecting;
- Hand-held devices: as noted at the beginning of the application process, you must use a laptop or desktop computer to submit our application.
If you think that you may have encountered a problem due to your computer set-up or your network connection, you should try submitting from another computer entirely. Submitting from the same computer, using a different web browser, may help. But remembering that over 98% of applicants have no trouble means that using a different computer from another location gives the best hope of success.
The most certain means of success is to fill out our paper application and mail it to Astor. You can download a copy which contains mailing instructions here: Astor printable employment application » (PDF file opens in a new tab/window)
Once again, we apologize for the problem you encountered. We look forward to reviewing your application.
Good luck with your job search!