
Juvenile Risk Intervention Services Coordination (J-RISC)

Hudson Valley

Mother and teenage daughter having an arguumentJuvenile Risk Intervention Services Coordination (J-RISC) is a community-based service offered through Dutchess County’s Department of Community Corrections and Probation.  The program offers Functional Family Therapy to youth who are identified as high-risk for Family Court involvement and/or juvenile detention or placement.

J-RISC utilizes an intensive team intervention approach. The team includes a Probation Officer dedicated to the J-RISC assigned youth, a Probation employed Case Manager, and an Astor clinician specifically trained in the evidence-based model, Functional Family Therapy (FFT).

Services Offered


Family Court Unit Probation Officers refer youth identified as high risk by the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI).

Contact Us

Megan Wright, PsyD, MS, MPA, Clinic Supervisor
Email: Please use our Program Contact Form »

More Information

Program brochure (PDF file)

Folleto del programa (archivo PDF)


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